
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Three days ago, after Du Yan Chen last entered this room, Zhu Xiao Jie has been without sleep for consecutive three days.

That noon, when Du Yan Chen arrived at Zhu Xiao Jie's room, Zhu Xiao Jie was reclining on his bed reading a book.

"Why come at noon, don't you only miss me at night?" Seeing Du Yan Chen come in, Zhu Xiao Jie couldn't help but feel happy, but his heart instantly thought of the happy sweet things that belonged to them.

Du Yan Chen locked the door and did not answer Zhu Xiao Jie.

She silently sat on the edge of the bed, bowing her head and continuously kicking at a chalk head under her feet.

Du Yan Chen's unusual expression left Zhu Xiao Jie very puzzled.

"What happened?" Zhu Xiao Jie asked while embracing Du Yan Chen's shoulders.

"I'm getting married!" After a long while, Du Yan Chen said softly, still keeping her head down.

"Getting married? We agreed to wait another year, why so soon!" Zhu Xiao Jie said in a puzzled tone.

They were together every day, almost at any time they felt affectionate, there was no difference from being a young couple. It was originally agreed to consider marriage after a year.

"I...I'm getting married!" Du Yan Chen deliberately emphasized the word "I".

"What? You're getting married, aren’t you supposed to marry me?" Zhu Xiao Jie asked puzzledly.

Finally, Du Yan Chen raised her head and looked into Zhu Xiao Jie's wide open eyes.

"I came here today to tell you that I'm getting married. The wedding will be held in three days!" Du Yan Chen looked into Zhu Xiao Jie's eyes and said, word by word.

"What did you say?" Zhu Xiao Jie's eyes almost sprang out, his words were like a bolt from the blue, leaving him stunned in an instant!

"Who are you marrying? Who is the man?" Zhu Xiaojie roared out the question.

"You don't need to worry about that. I came here to tell you, Xiaojie, although I am marrying someone else, the man I love the most is still you. Believe me!" Du Yanchen said, gently touching Zhu Xiaojie's face.

"Why would you marry someone else if you love me!" Zhu Xiaojie stood up anger, the veins on his forehead bulging instantly.

"Xiaojie, I love you, but I cannot marry you. Please forgive me! But, my heart belongs to you!" Du Yanchen also stood up. "Let's square accounts today. One last time, I give you my heart. Xiaojie, I love you!" Du Yanchen hugged Zhu Xiaojie tightly, her head resting on his strong chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

Oh God, what kind of woman is she? Our love that lasted six years, how can she just marry someone else? Zhu Xiaojie could only feel his mind going blank, standing in place without reciprocating Du Yanchen's embrace.

Du Yanchen lifted her head, slightly scared by the sight of Zhu Xiaojie's angry eyes.

Zhu Xiaojie's face was pale, his eyes wide open with anger. He looked like he could devour her whole, an expression truly terrifying!

"Xiaojie, don't be like this, I also have my difficulties. But Zhu Xiaojie, I love you! I will always love you!" Finishing her words, Du Yanchen couldn't help herself but kissed Zhu Xiaojie.

"Get away! Since you decided to marry someone else, why you came here? Get out!" Zhu Xiaojie turned his head away and pushed Du Yanchen away with great force.

"Xiaojie, you!" Du Yanchen didn't expect her beloved Zhu Xiaojie would treat her tenderness so roughly.

The man in front of her was too strange and terrifying.

Du Yanchen couldn't control herself anymore. The sadness and humiliation, along with her inner torment and conflict that she had never felt before drove her to sob silently. She turned her back, walking slowly toward the door.

When her hand landed on a cold metal latch, she felt a great agony welling up again in her heart!

She knew that once she walked through this door, they could become strangers from tomorrow. Past love and sworn pledges would disappear as a mere fantasy; everything between her and Zhu Xiaojie would cease to exist!

At this thought, Du Yanchen couldn't hide her pain anymore and broke down in uncontrollable sobs.

Zhu Xiaojie watched as Du Yanchen's shoulders trembled. He quickly walked to the door and embraced Du Yanchen tightly from behind.

"Chen, don't go, don't marry someone else. I'll marry you, I'll marry you tomorrow. You once said you are mine – Zhu Xiaojie's woman! You can't belong to any other man!" Zhu Xiaojie whispered into Du Yanchen's ears.

Du Yanchen turned around and held Zhu Xiaojie tightly, sobbing uncontrollably.

Their wet lips instinctively found each other.

"Jie, I love you! I can't bear to leave you!" Du Yanchen murmured through her tears.

"I love you too, don't leave me!" Zhu Xiaojie gasped out.

Their past passion suddenly rekindled between them, burning fiercely. They could no longer control themselves and undressed each other completely.

Du Yanchen's beautiful white body was exposed in front of his eyes.

This was a woman Zhu Xiaojie was familiar with, for three years they had been intimate. He had touched every inch of Du Yanchen's skin countless times. However, today, when her fair body appeared before his eyes, Zhu Xiaojie felt something drastically different in his heart.

The woman he had loved countless times, was going to marry another man, taking their shared passions with her? Zhu Xiaojie could not believe it, nor did he want to. But he knew Du Yanchen's character well - once she had made up her mind, there was no turning it back.

Zhu Xiaojie's heart filled with immense feeling of defeat, a feeling of being abandoned and defeated that surged from his feet to the top of his head, making his veins throb.

He thought, "If I can't stop her leaving, then I'll love her one last time, love her until it kills her! Then she will be mine, Zhu Xiaojie's, forever."

With this thought, Zhu Xiaojie's breath became even more ragged. He used his mouth to bite Du Yanchen's body passionately, especially her white breasts.

"No, Jie, no, you're hurting me!" Du Yanchen cried out.

However, Zhu Xiaojie completely ignored her protests and continued to mark her body with his bite, leaving rows of red tooth marks on Du Yanchen amidst her cries.

Zhu Xiaojie, seething with rage, was unable to control his emotions. His actions started to border on insanity, completely devoid of his usual tenderness. He became crude and impolite, and his love for Du Yan Chen turned into something akin to cruel treatment—

Being treated this way by Zhu Xiaojie was something Du Yan Chen had never experienced before. Sensing Zhu Xiaojie was venting his anger on her, tears trickled down the corners of her eyes…

In the end, Zhu Xiaojie spitefully ensured that he left every trace of himself inside Du Yan Chen!

When Zhu Xiaojie detached himself from her, Du Yan Chen's despair washed over her whole body.

These days she was ovulating, "Oh God, I hope nothing unexpected happens!" Du Yan Chen lay on the bed, shivering uncontrollably.

Finally, with a broken heart and despair, and carrying the full weight of humiliation, Du Yan Chen left Zhu Xiaojie's room.

After Du Yan Chen departed, Zhu Xiaojie behaved like a crazed lion—

He locked himself in the room, not eating, drinking, or sleeping, letting his beard grow wildly.

Memories of happier moments with Du Yan Chen floated before Zhu Xiaojie's eyes—

Six years ago, Zhu Xiaojie was accepted into Xinjiang Normal University, bidding adieu to the axe he'd toiled with for two years, by sheer hard work and determination that earned him a score 20 points higher than the normal high school cutoff.

Once at Xinjiang Normal University, Zhu Xiaojie, two years older than his classmates and somewhat more mature from his work experience, was quickly chosen to be the class monitor and entered the student council, becoming a student council officer.

Mature Zhu Xiaojie also had a charismatic air that fascinated the female students, particularly his stunning basketball shots on the court.

A teacher’s college naturally had more females than males. Coupled with Zhu Xiaojie's usual silence and mature exterior, he was almost the idol of the female students.

However, Zhu Xiaojie remained unmoved, keeping to himself, which made him appear all the more mysterious.

But Zhu Xiaojie knew the truth in his heart. He, in the throes of his youthful desires, longed for romance with girls. But his insecurities and his past experience as a carpenter made taking the leap extremely difficult.

Children from farming families always have inherent shortcomings in this aspect. As the semester came to an end, Zhu Xiaojie had a girl in his heart he liked, but he didn't have the courage to confess to her. This person was Du Yanchen, who was also a student council officer like him.

Du Yanchen and Zhu Xiaojie were not in the same class, but belonged to the same grade of general teacher classes. Zhu Xiaojie was in General Teachers’ Class 2, and Du Yanchen was in General Teachers’ Class 4. Like Zhu Xiaojie, she also hailed from Yuhe County.

Du Yanchen always tied her hair in a high ponytail, wore sportswear, and walked with her head held high and her chest out. Her ponytail would swing back and forth on her head, a picture of vitality that Zhu Xiaojie found very appealing.

Du Yanchen was the publicity officer of the school, and Zhu Xiaojie was the labor officer. As student council officers, the two often held meetings together, checked hygiene conditions in various classes, drew publicity posters, and organized student council activities.

Du Yanchen was very active. She was always enthusiastic and proactive about various student council activities. Zhu Xiaojie felt happy and inspired when working with Du Yanchen. As long as Du Yanchen was involved in something, Zhu Xiaojie would actively participate.

Zhu Xiaojie could feel that Du Yanchen had a good impression of him as well.

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